(a compendium of queer words for the modern fag with a passion for the Middle Ages added hebdomadally on the Sabbath day)

114.) Palaestra
-noun singular

a.) A wrestling school, often part of a public gymnasium.*

[Origin: From the Greek παλαίστρα meaning “sport school.”]

*Reserved for men only, and naked to boot!

(a compendium of queer words for the modern fag with a passion for the Middle Ages added hebdomadally on the Sabbath day)

113.) Paracoitus
-noun singular

a.) A male sexual partner.*

[Origin: from the Greek para meaning “alongside of” or “beside” and the Latin coitus meaning sexual intercourse.]

*Joyful is the moment when a paramour becomes a paracoitus!

(a compendium of queer words for the modern fag with a passion for the Middle Ages added hebdomadally on the Sabbath day)

112.) Amphisbaena
-noun singular

a.) A mythical serpent having a head at each end of its body, able to move in either direction.*

b.) A genus of lizards, native to the Americas, having extremities which are very similar.

[Origin: From the Greek amphis, meaning “both ways,” and bainein, meaning “to go.”]

*Like many members of the tribe, the amphisbaena is a creature that “goes both ways.”

(a compendium of queer words for the modern fag with a passion for the Middle Ages added hebdomadally on the Sabbath day)

111.) Rabate

a.) To recover to the fist, as a hawk.*

[Origin: From the French rabattre meaning “to beat down.”]

*This is a term used in falconry. Humans typically recover from a fist, not to one, but one never knows…